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Questions to Ask When Choosing an Injury Lawyer


Despite all the advertisements, if you’re in an accident, and it’s time to find an attorney, you may end up a little stumped: how do I know which attorney to choose? Sure, there are a lot of attorneys out there. But when you do reach out to them, what questions should you ask, so that you know you have the right attorney for the job?

What Kind of Personal Injury?

One thing you want to determine is what kind of personal injury work the attorney does. Many attorneys advertise “personal injury,” but in reality, that word encompasses a lot of different subspecialties.

For example, personal injury can include car accidents, falls, defective products, negligent security, medical malpractice, and a host of other specialties. That means that you should ask the attorney that you contact, how much experience he or she has, not just in personal injury, but with the type of personal injury case that you have.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Sure, a lot of attorneys may tell you how great your case is. But often, the best attorneys won’t just tell you the good, but will also tell you the not-so-good.

What kind of defenses will the other side try to use? Is there anything about your case that a jury, at trial, may not like? Negative things or weaknesses in your case may not be easy to hear—but you do want to ask the attorney about them, so you get an honest evaluation of what you can expect in your case.

The Use of Experts

Many personal injury cases require expert witnesses (other than your doctor, who will almost always be a necessary expert witness). It’s good to ask the attorney about possible experts in your case. Does the attorney work with experts? What kind of experts does the attorney think that you need?

Get to Know Everyone

A law office can have a lot of people in it—not just the lead attorney, or the attorney on the commercials, or even the attorney you meet with.

Which attorney will be handling your case on a day to day, regular basis? Who is the paralegal or legal assistant that will be working on your case? There’s nothing wrong with many people working on your case—they’re all qualified, in most cases—but it’s good to ask, and get to know everybody who will work on your case—not just the person you are meeting with or speaking to on the phone.

Going to Trial

Many personal injuries can, do—and should—settle, instead of going to trial. But if your case is one of those where a trial is the best option, you want to make sure that your attorney can, in fact, take your case all the way to a jury, in trial.

Many personal injury law forms don’t go to trial—they will only settle cases. Make sure you ask your attorneys if they can take your case to trial, just in case that is needed.

Ask us how we can help you in your injury case. Contact the personal injury lawyers Cameron Law today at 702-745-4545 for a free consultation.


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