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Category Archives: Personal Injury

Is There a Link Between Heart Attacks and Accidents

Is There a Link Between Heart Attacks and Accidents

By Site Administrator |

Back injuries. Head injuries. Knee, shoulder, and other joints. All injuries that you would normally associate with accidents of any kind. But what about heart attacks? We tend to think of heart attacks as events that happen because of genetics, or long-term habits like bad eating. But you may be surprised to know that… Read More »

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Hot Coffee and Hot Food Can Lead to Real Injuries

Hot Coffee and Hot Food Can Lead to Real Injuries

By Site Administrator |

When it comes to dangerous foods, often, it isn’t the food that a restaurant or business is serving you that is dangerous. Often, it’s the temperature of that food. And yes, while we all expect hot food to be hot, there’s a difference between hot food and food that is so scalding hot that… Read More »

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Why Pedestrian Accident Cases Can be Difficult Cases to Win

By Jay Butchko |

When a car hits a pedestrian, it is only natural to make the assumption that it is the vehicle that is at fault. After all, cars are bigger than people, and should look out for pedestrians.  So when people (pedestrians) are hit, the cars are almost always assumed to be at fault. But that’s… Read More »

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Unfairly Prejudicial Evidence May not be Used in Trial

By Jay Butchko |

Let’s say you have evidence that helps your case. Good evidence. Evidence that is so persuasive and convincing you know it will help convince a jury to see your side if your case goes to trial. There’s just one problem: the evidence is so good and so persuasive to a jury, that the court… Read More »

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Don’t Believe These Personal Injury Law Myths

By Jay Butchko |

Personal injury cases, unlike some other kinds of legal cases, often make news. Between cases that make the news and lawyers that advertise in the media, the general public learns of or hears of a decent amount of personal injury information. But with all of that publicity, can come mistruths and beliefs that can… Read More »

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Laceration Injuries Can be Severe–Even Deadly

By Jay Butchko |

Were you in an accident, and your injury is “just a cut?” It’s funny how when we cut ourselves, people look at the injury as minor, like it’s just a small scratch. In reality, lacerations can be painful, and even debilitating, if they are bad enough and severe enough. Lacerations are a sad reality… Read More »

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Hospitals and the Risk of Patient Infections

By Jay Butchko |

If you go into a hospital for any reason, the expectation is that you will come out better than when you went in—at least, that’s the goal. And while there is never a guarantee of any recovery—medicine is not an exact science—there is at least the expectation that you won’t end up worse than… Read More »

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Can a Trespasser Sue For Injuries On Someone Else’s Property?

By Jay Butchko |

We all know that a property owner is liable for injuries that the owner causes to the people who are supposed to be on the property. But what about people who aren’t supposed to be on the property? What happens when a trespasser is injured? Trespassers Aren’t Always Who You Think They Are We… Read More »

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Elevators Cause More Injuries Than You May Think

By Jay Butchko |

Going up or down? Either way, you could face some degree of danger, if you’re on an elevator. Many of us get the chills thinking about being caught in a closed, broken, elevator, waiting for help. But even when the elevator seemingly works, there are still things that can go very wrong, and cause… Read More »

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Special Issues When Kids are Injured

By Jay Butchko |

While all injuries seem sad and tragic, when it comes to kids, accidents seem all the more tragic and sad. And while the law itself is the same regardless of whether dealing with a child or an adult, there are things about when a child is injured that make the case a bit different… Read More »

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