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North Las Vegas Slip and Fall Lawyer

If you have been hurt on another person’s property due to a dangerous condition the property owner knew about, or should have known about, and they did not correct it, you likely have the right to file a civil claim against them for damages. Slip and falls sound like minor events, but the injuries they cause can be some of the most serious. Extensive medical care, and even surgeries and physical therapy are often required afterward. If you have been hurt, our North Las Vegas slip and fall lawyer can help you hold the property owner liable for paying the compensation you need.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Most slip and fall accidents are caused by the negligence of another person. Negligence, or carelessness, can take many forms. The most common negligent conditions that result in slip and falls are as follows:

  • Floors cluttered with debris
  • Loose wires and cords
  • Potholes in parking lots
  • Torn carpeting
  • Loose mats
  • Defective sidewalks
  • Poorly constructed staircases
  • Inadequate lighting
  • Missing or broken handrails
  • Spilled liquids
  • Cracked or uneven pavement
  • Broken escalators or elevators

Property owners have a responsibility to make sure the above negligent conditions do not exist on their property. Regular inspections and maintenance are necessary to make sure everyone on a property is kept safe.

Slip and Fall Injuries are Very Serious

It is a very common misconception that slip and fall accidents will not cause serious injuries. Approximately 20 percent of falls result in very serious injuries, including traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and broken bones, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Additionally, more than three million older adults require emergency medical treatment for fall-related injuries every year and approximately 800,000 people are hospitalized for falls every year.

Being involved in a slip and fall accident is traumatic, but it can also leave victims feeling embarrassed. It is critical to remember that if you have been hurt, there is no reason to feel embarrassed or ashamed. The vast majority of slip and fall accidents are caused by another person’s carelessness, and not your own. You also should not let feelings of embarrassment keep you from pursuing the full and fair compensation you need to cover the cost of your injuries.

Holding property owners liable for negligent conditions is also important to ensure that no one else becomes hurt. When property owners are held civilly liable, they are less likely to allow negligent conditions to exist on their premises in the future so other people are kept safe.

Our Slip and Fall Lawyer in North Las Vegas Can Help You Obtain Damages

At Cameron Law, our North Las Vegas slip and fall lawyer knows the serious injuries that result from these accidents and we are dedicated to helping our clients make things right. We will put our experience to work for you, too. Call us now at 702-745-4545 or contact us online to schedule a free review of your case so we can discuss your situation further.

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